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  • Writer's pictureSheri L Williams

Why yes, I am alive.

I know I haven't dropped a new post since early August and I could give you all sorts of reasons why, but it boils down to; this timeline is the worst.

I will freely admit that I am not handling being stuck at home really well, and that is translating in all sorts of fun ways, like radio silence here. But I think I finally hit my breaking point and I decided that I have to stop being all blah, and start doing what I should be doing.

So here I am, and even though I don't have any book news (though I did recently punch through my mental wall and write a few new words) I figured I could talk about something I am practicing more nowadays: self care. In the form of cupcakes!

When I am down and my usual methods don't help to get me out of my funk, I bake with my kids. And since we found this cool Halloween themed set of cupcake stuff, that was what we went with. It took us a while to pick a color theme since they also had green and orange options, but I am pretty happy with our results form the purple/black/white combo.

Baking with my daughters also helps, it grounds me in the reality, even if the reality outside our house sucks. And when we are done, we get sweet stuff, which is always a fun time. So yesterday we had spooky cupcakes to go with my favorite time of year.

If you are into spooky things, you should totally make your own spooky cupcakes, and if you like spooky reads, maybe you could check Forest of Blood, which is a pretty spooky story :)

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