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  • Writer's pictureSheri L Williams


So, I am really, really bad at remember to blog. There is just so much that goes into being an author that this is the one thing that tends to get lost in the haze. At the beginning of this year my plan was to blog twice a month, pretty much every other week. Clearly this is not working....

So, my new plan for 2023, is to to bookend my newsletter with my blog. I put out my newsletter right around the end of every month, so going forward, my plan is:

First week of month - blog

Last week of month - newsletter

I hope that this wills streamline things for me, while allowing me the time I need to do all the other author stuff I need to do. I love keeping in contact with all y'all but I only have so much time. *whines*

With all that said, let's catch up. At the end of Oct I released the entire Consortium trilogy in one book. At the beginning of Nov I decided to try Nano, but once again I'm failing that. But... I did finish a book I had started writing about two years ago (that I hope to publish in Dec) and I finished a short for an anthology sub (stay tuned for news about that soon) so even though I failed nano (it's not over yet but no way I write 30k in the next few days) I'm calling this month a win!

Anyway, here's a picture of Twilight and Dusty napping on my lap as a tax for you know... taking too long to blog again.

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