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  • Writer's pictureSheri L Williams

Plans, oy vey

So, I had plans for this year. All sorts of plans. Writing plans1 Marketing plans! and can you guess how many of these plans have come to fruition? None! That's right! I want to blame it all on the covid crisis, but really, it's a mix of my own procrastination and this stay at home quarantine.

(my goals for the year that I wrote down way back in January, of which I'm finished none!)

I mean, I am home, I could be writing, but writing with the whole family home? That's hard. I feel guilty about ignoring the kids, or I get sucked into playing card games, or watching a movie or playing outside. Plus, I'm still working from home, and well, things just snowball. But I want to get things done, so I'm trying to refocus, to schedule my time better and to be more present in all that I'm doing.

I've been looking into time management and a reward base for myself, but I'm wondering, how do you keep yourself on track? How do you break down your tasks so as to actually gt stuff done? Because if I am left to my own devices I'll lose hours in a YouTube spiral.

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