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Writer's pictureSheri L Williams

Let yourself have a bit of grace

I should be here to tell you that I've finished Manor of Blood, the third (and final) of my Forsaken Forest Trilogy, but instead, I'm here to remind myself and you, that sometimes... you need a bit of grace.

Our family had successfully avoided Covid for two damn years, but when it hit, it knocked me and my oldest for a loop. Therefore, I have done not a damn thing this month.

I had a plan for this month and since it's failed, catastrophically, I spent two whole days in a doom spiral. You know what I mean. "it'll never get done!" "why even try?" "who even cares?" There was a whole lot of negative self talk and a large dose of imposter syndrome on top of it.

Just this morning I stumbled upon this image while looking for something else, and it hit me. Grace. I give grace to all the people in my life, I need to save some for myself. My story will get done, and it'll all be fine. It will. So the next time this happens, because it will, I'm only human, I am going to do my damnedest to remember this lesson.

And I'm sharing it with you, becasue I'm sure in this world of hustle that we live in, you forget sometimes too.

*You deserve your love and affection!

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