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  • Writer's pictureSheri L Williams

It's Quarantine Time

I know it has been ages since I sat down to write out a blog post. It's definitely becasue of the whole mess going on right now. I'm probably not the only mom out here who was not prepared for summer break to start nearly two months early, but that's what happened and here I am, just like many of you out there, rolling with the punches. And yeah, I totally get this is a terrible, horrible, no good thing and we are not really in an extended summer break, but that is what it feels like here, so I'm doing what I can to keep myself sane.

We have just finally gotten word about what our school is doing to make up for the lost time and it's a pretty easy thing. Since we're in a pretty rural school and not everyone around us has access to the internet, were jut getting packages sent home. Once the girls are done with their work, it will become a extended summer break, so we are pretty damn lucky that we live where we do. We might not can leave our yard (or momma's yard) but since our yard involves a good bit of land, trees to climb and a creek to play in, we are already doing loads better than some other people.

I'd like to say that I've been writing loads but in reality, I generally write when the kids are at school and hubs is at work and since neither of those are really happening right now....neither is the writing. Like I said before, I'm pretty sure I'm not alone in this. It sucks, like social distancing sucks, like listening to the news and hearing just how horrible this is sucks, but we're gonna get though. We have to. So I'm gonna keep on getting mud in my shoes down at the creek, and keep on playing volleyball in the yard with my oldest girl (she was supposed to start conditioning this week in prep for tryouts in may) and I'm gonna keep on hoping that maybe after all this, we as a country learn something. Because in the end, this is can only be made worse by us not learning anything from it.

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