So it's a new year. A new decade. A new start. And we all try to do better. Be better. "new year, new me" and all that bullshit. But you know what? I'm not doing it. I like me. I'm not perfect, but I am me and that's just right.
So no resolutions for me. Instead I'm doing goals. Yeah?
I've got personal goals that I maybe won't share, but writer goals? Those I'll share.
I'm gonna write more. Procrastinate less.
I'm gonna write fearlessly.
I'm going to publish more.
I'm going to be a closer.
(I crossed off the author name here, but this convo on twitter a lil while back seriously helped me. Having a writer you look up to validate you is not the only way to give yourself a push, but it doesn't hurt)
I'm pretty good at starting but I don't finish often enough. That's gonna change this year. I'm gonna be a closer. Start. Finish. That's how 2020 is gonna go for me. How 'bout you?