I'm a little early here, but I have my birthday as well as Yule/Christmas on the horizon so I wanted to put my thoughts down before I stepped away from the computer for a bit.
Looking back at this year is an exercise in lowered expectations. At the start of 20202 I had Goals. I had Plans. And I didn't accomplish 1 of them. Not 1.
I mean yeah, some good things happened unexpectedly, like Scribd, but for the most part, I didn't finish a single story I wanted to, I didn't read as many books as I wanted to, I didn't complete anything. And that's okay. (it took me a bit to be able to say that)
This year has sucked for a great many reasons, and I (like probably a lot of other people) found ways to mitigate reality.
*I listened to over 900 hours of music on Youtube.
*I read a shit ton of Avengers living together happy in the tower fanfic.
*I read a bunch of comics over on WEBTOON (check out Suitor Armor and El Ronin)
I couldn't really get into any books (insert sad face here), it seemed like a insurmountable thing becasue what I if hated it and wasted time, but what if I loved it and the sequel wasn't out? Hence the fanfic and webcomics. Like I said, lowered expectations. But I loved all the comics I found and fanfic has kept me sane.
And now, looking forward to next year, I'm still going to have goals and plans, I just am going to allow myself grace, becasue if there is one thing 2020 has taught me, it's that it is okay to fail, as long as you keep going.