
Thanks for stopping by my new website! Among these pages you'll find my books, my thoughts, and any news about what I'm up to next!

March 26th, 2023 update
I was recently asked for bookplates, and I have delivered. Now, you can order signed paperbacks from me, I have a form on the Contact Me page, but if you already have a paperback and want it signed, now there is a form for that too! It's actually right next to the signed books form, on the Contact Me page.
So, if a signed book plate is what you're looking for go to Contact Me - Signed Bookplate Form.
This is what it'll look like:

​March 17th, 2023 update
My writing group, the Romance Riot, has released our first charity anthology! Straighten Your Crown is 15 stories about strong female leads and strong friendships!
​All the proceeds will go to the National Women's Shelter and the anthology will be available for 3 months.
January 9th, 2023 update
Hello! If you've visited before, you'll notice I know have a new logo and if you're new... well, I hope you like my logo!
I also have recently added a Trigger Warnings tab under the Books page, so if you are interested in looking for TW's, that's where they are!
Also, there was a glitch with the link to my Insta profile, so I've scrubbed that section for now, but hopefully I can fix it soon.
Also, also... my newest book, Three Souls, One Love has been added to my Books page and so has the latest Scribd release CTL ALT Love :)